March 22 - July 1st 2020, December 17th to March 2023

One week after the lock-down begin in many countries, Saturn moved into Aquarius for the first time. It will be there until July 1st, give us a 6 month break - back-spinning through Capricorn, until it finally moves forward to stay in Aquarius December 17th 2020 until March 2023. This is important because right now we're getting the teaser or appetiser before the full meal deal.  The general themes and mindset we see beginning from March 21st to July 1st is foreshadowing what is to come later.

So what are we seeing ?
What does Saturn in Aquarius look like ?
And most importantly, how can we prepare ?


From everything I am researching and know about this combination of planets we are about to see an era of increased technology, pursuit of forming and examining groups - social and societal - and dealing with our inherent need to belong vs blindly follow 

There are some themes of Saturn in Aquarius that match what we're living through right now , or where we could see things going in the future when we look at George Orwell's 1984, and Aldous Huxley's, Brave New World.  Take a look at the dichotomy of paradigms each saw us living in for the future. It's quite eerie:

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Facebook anyone ?
Fake news?
Comedy hosts as our more trusted sources ? 

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The quarantine has made us intimately aware how fast our world was moving. We all see how much we've been spending on expensive lattes, restaurants all the time vs cooking, the expectation of entitlement to everything we want to do or place we want to go. We can see Huxley's supposition that we are drunk on our own desires - numbed to others and to reality. The great pause of this lock-down period have hopefully made us think about this.

Will we just go back right where we left off ?
Have we become more conscious in a way that may last and help us discern ?
Have we had enough time, sleep, solitude to not not take so much for granted ? 

It seems not - and this is a bit of Aquarian cynicism - based on how many are ignoring the social distancing, the passing around of every spin under the sun whether we can re-start businesses and schools or not, the myriad of "experts" we have to sort through.  We are already in the information age, and Saturn in Aquarius will ask us to be much more critical of it. It may shrink  internet access, bring in AI and robotics to daily life, and perhaps pave the way for new gurus and mass movements people will feel compelled (or forced) to follow in order to belong. 

This is the idealisation of Brave New World - and some of the "conspiracy theories" propose these themes as well.
Is this what's to come ?

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 Our population is now just above 5.5 Billion people....think about that.

On a personal note, what kind of dynamics can we anticipate during this transit ? Aquarius is known best for the song - Let the Sunshine In - all about the New Age of peace and brotherhood - and it DOES have these ideals, but when you get to know your average Aquarius it's often a bit more like Charlie Brown, " I love humanity, its the people I can stand"

Here is a great excerpt I found that describes best how we will find the social dynamics to once in this next 3 year chapter :

" Choose your friends wisely.
It’s time for quality friends.
It’s time to find friends who have the same ideals and who envision a future with you in it.
It’s time to associate with people who speak the truth and who have a sense of loyalty and integrity.
It’s time to hang out with people who give you the freedom to be yourself and who don’t use guilt tactics or manipulation strategies to get you to do what they want.
It’s time to associate with people who value your right to be yourself as much as they value their right to be themselves.
It’s time to give everybody some breathing room.
Mind your own business.
Give people some space to live their lives.
Be a good friend.
The consequences of the company you keep.
Take responsibility for your half of the friendship.
Take responsibility for your role in the groups you’re involved with.
Social conscience.
Commit to your vision of the future"
