Advanced Intuition Coaching

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Advanced Intuition Coaching

Are you already aware you are an intuitive? empath? psychic? Have you had clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, predictive dreams, or seeing spirits for a long time or most of your life? Do people come to you for help or advice all the time ? Are you everyone’s confidant ? Are you not sure what to DO with your inherent gifts ?

This program is for you…

We will help you find your sense of mission or purpose with your intuitive, empathic abiltiies. Perhaps you want it just for yourself and those close to you - but what will that look like in your life to be healthy for you ? Perhaps you want to give readings or healing to others - let’s help you find a plan to make that happen at the right pace and style for you.

This program will require more of a commitment to working together. We will meet weekly for an hour for a minimum of 3 months. You can do 6 months or one year as well, and as needed.

3 months = 12 hours - $1500

6 months = 24 hours - $3000

12 months = 48 hours - $6000

You can arrange installments for these courses. To sign up with Catharine please email [email protected]