Spirit Waves Blog
Taking A Stand in a Time of Fake Division
Fake News ? How about fake division ? Is the algorithm of wherever you get and trust your news REALLY showing you a true picture of how divided we are? I don’t’ want to be a spiritual bypasser or Polyanna here, but I believe we have more in common than we do that truly divides us. I think the core common values that people want a healthy normal life restored is what we ALL have in common. The reasons why we have ended up in various states of mandates and lockdowns are what we are fighting over, but in the end, its’ a radical few that want a coup d’etat, or use this enormous sadness, rage, isolation of the pandemic as their political crutch. The majority of people truly just want life to resume as we knew it….
Taking a Stand in a Time of Fake Division
Fake News ? How about fake division ? Is the algorithm of wherever you get and trust your news REALLY showing you a true picture of how divided we are? I don’t’ want to be a spiritual bypasser or Polyanna here, but I believe we have more in common than we do that truly divides us. I think the core common values that people want a healthy normal life restored is what we ALL have in common. The reasons why we have ended up in various states of mandates and lockdowns are what we are fighting over, but in the end, its’ a radical few that want a coup d’etat, or use this enormous sadness, rage, isolation of the pandemic as their political crutch.
The majority of people truly just want life to resume as we knew it. We are weary, lonely, tight on income, exhausted of rules and of being scared. When every small decision turns into a moral decision - it’s frustrating and overwhelming. We sit at home online, scrolling and reinforcing whatever the algorithm has determined as our leanings and alliances. Isolated, we crave the connection and reinforcements of others who believe what we do. Movements begin. We are very vulnerable to who we are around and listen to, and what information we are presented with.
We ALL want our freedom, trust me. The main crux as I see it, is the divide between those who are willing to sacrifice their freedom for public health - and trust that these extreme measures and mandates will end when the pandemic is under control…and those who don’t’ trust that these measures are for public good but for domination and will remain permanent and ever growing. Honestly, it can go either way. We haven’t’ lived through this in our lifetimes. No one has. We have no way to know if there is a fascist precedent beginning, or if we’re being immensely careful and responsible right now. We have to trust our leadership for that. Now there is the deeper societal problem.
We have allowed ourselves to let leaders slide on things for so long, becoming more and more cynical about anyone in power - this pre-dates anyone in office now. Be honest, how long has it been since you trusted your elected official? How long has it been since we had faith and hope in a president or prime minister? Our collective lack of faith, cynicism, avoiding, distracting, allowing many things to slip unchecked, over many years - even decades - has led us into this time of growing populism. We are so tired and overwhelmed, not up to discerning, reading, showing up in our communities. And this isn’t entirely our fault either. Steady deregulation of our economy and the forces that would oversee ethics have been eliminated since the 80’s to keep our economies competitive. Deregulating the media is a big one of those.
We have been steadily bombarded with TMI. The brain just can’t compute or hold so much information, so after a while we numb out. We look for what’s simpler. The marketers know this and messages get bigger, louder, shorter, appearing more to our primal urges than our discernment. This is something going on for decades now. We are in the product of years of mind numbing and dumbing down that has led to the loudest easiest voices to hear being populists like Trump, Boris Johnson, Doug Ford. They appear to keep it raw, easy and simplistic. Most people can digest it and remember it, but it is skewed. We don’t’ look at the underlying values and behavior until it’s too late. The level of avoidance of leadership and of basic integrity is appalling over the last few years especially. So if we feel like everyone is divided right now, its’ been created to seem this way by the algorithms, marketers, tech minds and politicians who know that this strategy works. Facebook just took this trend and injected it with crack.
The only way to counteract this and resist the politics of division, in my humble opinion is to walk the middle path. Do your best to listen to many viewpoints. Do you utmost not to block and delete people who disagree with you. Keep your social media diverse so you aren’t’ brainwashed. Keep your heart open to people because we all may just come around and be thinking differently even in a few months. Do you really want to lose a friend or a sister because of a convoy ? I sure don’t. Have a healthy sense of doubt about all you hear, but don’t allow yourself to be suspicious of everything you hear either. Suspicion is a sickness of the mind. Doubt is a healthy curiosity that allows you to discern. Yes, it is more energy and work to discern, but it is also closer to the road of integrity and peace. We all need it, so let’s be a part of creating it by holding ourselves steady, open minded, and open hearted as best we can.
Raising Our Vibration
This Full Harvest Moon is a bit on the frustrating side. The very day of this full moon, Quebec is going back into the Red Zone for Covid - so we have to prepare ourselves on all levels for the upcoming uncertainty. This doesn't mean it cant' be a productive or restful time - it's all a matter of perspective and choices we make over our lifestyles and world view. The planets have a grinding effect on us this month because we have Mars Retrograde -frustration and pent up anger- as well as two Full moons, and Mercury Retrograde this month. All this and an upcoming election that is sure to pull punches. The good news is that our chart of this full moon doesn't' really speak of outright anger or violence. It's probably more suppressed, and therefore affects stress such as headaches, heart palpitations, indigestion, and passive aggressive behavior. Ya.. I know :(
Our tarot shows a pathway through all of this and as usual I have readings of advice to each sign on what mindset to hold for the next two week period of the full moon.
It's for this reason I want to offer you some tips that I"ve learned over the years of my healing path that can really help you feel better in stressful or confusing times. We need to learn to Raise Our Vibration. What does that mean really? Think of a high vibration in music . It lifts. It soars. We feel lighter, more subtle, more present and aware, more detached and compassionate.There are some clear actions we can take to lift our vibe and counteract anxiety.
We need to take stock of how high our stress level is at present.
Be honest.
How often is your heart racing in the day?
How often do you feel you have to defend yourself to others ?
Do you have one or more toxic individuals around you ? How often ?
Are you able to keep up with your household ?
That means financially, food, cleaning and repairs are pretty well taken care of -
or you feel on top of it enough.
Here are some basics I think will make for a more high vibration lifestyle while in semi quarantine again.
What is the air quality at home ? Is it stuffy ? Damp? Too dry ? Can you remedy the air flow and quality so your head-space is better! Air correlates to metal or wind = mind. Fresh air flow means clear-headedness and breathing easily.
How do things smell ? Are there too many perfumed or artificial smells? Anything damp or stinky? Neighbors cooking ? Cleaning products or toxic fumes in the area? Can you bring in something to make your home smell great? This will give a nice sense of peace and health.
What do you hear? Is there nice music? Doors slamming? Kids laughing ? Jackhammers? As much as you can try to control the sound and keep things more relaxing. We don't have much control over construction or leaf-blowers - but we can make sure we don't have multiple devices making noise, or slamming, dropping, banging into...as much as you can. It will calm the home and your nerves. You can also listen to my Raise Our Vibration Radio Show and music !
Are things organised well? You don'e have to be Marie Kondo, but do things have a place? Can you find them easily? Do you have categories for storage? All the small but flowing details of your daily life will go a long way to create a higher vibration home.
Visually do you like what you see? When you're in bed or wake up in the morning what do you first see? Is it pleasing? Does it cause stress, or guilt - like a pile of laundry ? Do you need more simplicity ? More colour? Can you add accents or something with good memories to your daily life view from the couch ? Are you surrounded by old memories that keep you stuck - photos or objects of people you need to let go of ?
Do you have a sacred place in your home? IT only takes a small table or window sill to create a small sacred space or altar. Somewhere in your home has to be all yours and private - for you to light a candle, or leave your manifestation list or vision board.
Some tools that will help you create a higher vibration are to eat well, detox your body gently, surround yourself well with supportive people, work your way through any old feelings and release them through dancing or yoga - thank goodness we can do this in our livingrooms! Use this next chapter to go deeper into your self healing than you've ever done. And I am here to help you <3
Full Corn Moon - Feeling Our Way Through
This Full Moon period shows an interesting configuration in the astrology chart. It feels very lopsided. There is potential for one of many coping mechanisms with these planets. (1)The strong Earth trine of Uranus in Taurus, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn, and Sun, Mercury in Virgo mean a strong practical, work minded and resourceful energy is accented. However the heavy conjunction in Capricorn opposes a sensitive Venus in nurturing Cancer (2)- and gives me a feeling of David and Goliath, or asking for mercy. Venus joins Neptune and the Full Moon in Pisces though (3) - so a softer and perhaps escapist mode is going to be the choice for many as well. It feels very one sided - and then there is Mars in warrior like Aries - having no patience for any of this it may strike out on its own or fight. There is a feeling of reckoning and re-setting the buttons. We need to feel out where we have allowed things to become imbalanced or one sided. Where have you not been true to yourself ?
How can you take corrective action right now ? How can those actions restore you like a reset button? How can those actions be as productive as possible vs reactive?
Feeling our way through. We are going to have to trust our gut and live day by day to shift this successfully
Yes - it requires more awareness and presence to live this way but it’s worth it. We need to be centered and calm enough not to react quickly or in anger - which might be harder to do this full moon. We need to stay in the present vs spacing out or going into too much of a bubble. We need to get things done and be productive but we can’t really plan too far ahead right now either - COVID plus astrology. Re-balancing something that has been so out of whack in our lives needs steady attention and assertion. If we over react or push too soon the push-back can be equally fierce and shut us back down. If we march on step by step with resolve we can make the turn around a very empowering time. If we run away, escape to avoid we can miss this chance.
Think about where you are confident about a grand correction in your life. Draw from the frustration or hardened assumptions and admit it is not loving and healthy for you anymore.
Love yourself into fixing this lopsided pattern
Intuition in Confusing Times
Wear a mask
Masks are optional
Masks make bacteria worse and shouldn't be worn by the healthy
Masks should be mandatory to protect everyone
Go to Restaurants
Stay Home as much as possible
COVID is a hoax
COVID IS very serious and isn't over yet
Second Wave
Bats, Markets, Labs... ?
Bill Gates...?
Murder Hornets (where did they go ?)
Conspiracies (or shaming the aware?)
Pack people into a plane
Open the economy in time for major holidays
Corona Virus attacking younger people more now
You can go out in groups
You can't go out unless you're living under the same roof
You can go out with groups but only from two households
Every day we read this wide range of advice, fear mongering, wise advice, medical professionals on all sides of the equation. Places that are beating this virus with masks and leadership and utter disgusting negligence from other "leaders". Truly - how the hell is anyone supposed to know who to follow or listen to anymore ?
It will have a trickle down effect if it hasn't already - we will also slowly erode trust in other people, professionals or in our personal lives. We can't live in this high level of cognitive dissonance for too long. It's a form of gaslighting. You doubt your judgement, you're disappointed no t having strong honest leadership, so you withdraw and remain skeptical of everything. This is detrimental to the fabric of our lives and our communities. We must trust our intuition now more than ever.
How are we going to navigate this strange new energy? this new world? How are we going to preserve trust and know who we CAN listen to and join together?
We have to trust our gut. We have to look at the eyes above the mask and SEE them. Eye smile - we don't need our mouths. Eyes don't lie. If you see and feel the connection in the eyes, the pain in the eyes, the spaced out and unavailable gaze, the dead eyes, the angry eyes, the avoidant eyes. This all tell us who you are. Make eye contact in public and pay attention to how you feel when you have eye contact. Smiles can easily mask - ironically. Eyes won't be able to hide.
There are two levels of trusting our intuition to navigate life - the advice on the news, the leaders we listen to, the doctors etc. When you get conflicting advice - do the same thing. When you see them on the news - or in person. What are their eyes doing? Are they being honest? Even people who disagree or have a slightly different solution can be coming from a place of honesty. First define if they are coming from an honest place with what they're saying. Do they truly believe what they're saying or is there something off?
The next layer is to check with yourself - is this new, or theory, or tip or advice feeling right FOR ME. We can't decide for all at once. Sometimes what is decided for the masses doesn't' fit for you. We need to be able to trust ourselves to discern who we trust -at least enough to keep us safe, and those who don't inspire trust at all. This extends to your relationships, clients, family - everyone.
Saturn is in Aquarius now and the next 3 yrs we'll be in a transition toward - who is my tribe? We have to start looking in the eyes and recognize them
Ready for Eclipse Season ?
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer June 5th
Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius June 21st
This month is going to be a tad hectic and potentially intense but for SURE things around you are changing and you will be adapting.
When we have an eclipse we have a chance to change our lives in a faster or more bold way if we want - it brings in some sort of event or awakening that tends to push us to act. Some of us will just experience it as an internal thing and not share it much, or do much about it - not right away anyway. Others of us will feel very compelled to say something out loud, or officially declare or decide something and life can have a feeling of breakthrough or breakdown - which is usually one in the same but the first one feels better.
Two eclipses in one month will mean that we have ample chances to change our lives in the area of your life that the eclipse is happening. Without going through all 12 signs, one example would be the obvious one for Gemini and Sagittarius since the Lunar eclipse is on the full moon in Sagittarius with the Sun in Gemini. This accentuates your individuality vs your partnerships. When do you put your needs first, your couple's desires vs your own can be a theme. IN these signs we can also see themes of how we belong or define ourselves within our social groups - which includes cities and groups, vs going off alone. Both are mutable signs so there is lots of adaptability - meaning lots of talking, wondering, exploring, changing methods, opinions, stances, and either bringing something fresh or ushering in complete scatterbrained mush. If you are a Cancer or Capricorn then the Solar eclipse will accent these oppositions for you - themes of parental influences on your life, home vs career. Privacy vs public life. Who wears the pants? These are Cardinal signs opposing each other so strong leadership and firm ideas push and pull, or can come together like a happy nuclear family energy. If you have your Moon sign or Rising sign in one of these signs, these eclipses could kick your ass into gear.
We also have Mercury retrograding in Cancer - UGH. Cancer already speaks with emotions and intuition vs words. Cancer Mercury hates communication delays and misunderstandings. Every sentence is colored with emotion. Now we push it retrograde....is anyone going to speak at all ? Are people being cryptic with you ? Do they say things that feel symbolic or meaningful then afterwards you wonder if they said anything of the sort? Be careful during this Mercury retrograde of people's feelings. Everyone will be taking EVERYTHING personally...
Venus is Retrograde in Gemini since April - in it's pre shadow phase , then retrograde from May 13th to June 25th, and will stay in Gemini until August. So this is worth exploring. Venus in Gemini is the biggest, most witty, self-reinventing, funny flirt there is! If old flamers don't come back to talk then you are probably either thinking of them or dreaming of them and hopefully getting some clarity on the past, or figuring where things stand in the now. Many will be compelled to have steamy and brief intrigues or affairs under this influence, They flirt to know , do I still got it ? and its' just fun... until ti's not fun and someone's feelings are hurt. This is an air sign Venus, not a romantic emotional placement. This is the curious and playful beginnings kind of Venus. SO enjoy those, and revisit some past ones, and enjoy the half-assed attempts to meet new people or re-kindle old ones left dangling. We won't know how serious anyone is until August when Venus moves into Cancer and people will want intimacy... for real.
To provide the backdrop curtain for all of this activity we still have our cluster of planets in Capricorn - Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto - provoking deep structural changes to society that are erupting. We also have Uranus in Taurus, again causing disruption and innovations in our financial lives. We also have Neptune and Mars in Pisces - more mutable messiness. It can help us to be more compassionate and creative, but can also bring out martyrs and general passive aggressiveness vs direct action - not so helpful given the rest of what's going on. When so many planets are in changeable signs we can lose focus , not finish what we start, and be all over the map. The Capricorn planets and the eclipse of the 21st of June will ask for concrete direction and leadership in our lives. It may really stand out to us in the midst of the rest of it. The energy feels like a snow-globe that has been shaken this month. By the time we reach the solstice we may get a glimpse of what's behind all the snowflakes and can make a judgement call about what to do next.
My best advice to you this month would be to go within and be more curious about your own life and reactions to the world at large. Be willing to make flexible changes to your circumstances and float with the current waves because they are stronger than us right now.
Self care is paramount.
Brave New World- Saturn in Aquarius -March 22 -July 1st 2020, Dec 17th to March 2023
One week after the lock-down begin in many countries, Saturn moved into Aquarius for the first time. It will be there until July 1st, give us a 6 month break - back-spinning through Capricorn, until it finally moves forward to stay in Aquarius December 17th 2020 until March 2023. This is important because right now we're getting the teaser or appetiser before the full meal deal. The general themes and mindset we see beginning from March 21st to July 1st is foreshadowing what is to come later. So what are we seeing ? What does Saturn in Aquarius look like ? And most importantly, how can we prepare ?
Getting Grounded During Crisis
I've had a few days where I felt waves of panic, terror, and a strong feeling of being spaced out and dissociated. It comes for a bit and I let it wash through me knowing it isn't mine - it's a collective energy. Some of us escape into our addictions, or denial, and some of us are getting our creative juices back, and even enjoying the introspection. It can be all of the above too! At this moment I almost feel that introverts and healers have been prepping for this all our lives, so we handle the alone time and the collective fear differently. I had to learn many years ago with my PTSD how to get grounded when strong emotion came up, and this is what I"ll teach you today.
Capricorn Stellium 2020
Saturn is the Lord of Karma, and the keeper of time. It represents adulthood, maturity, seriousness,foundations, structure - showing up and getting the work done. Pluto is the bringer of transformation. It will destroy things first to rebuild them. Think of a wrecking ball that takes down an old house that can't be saved, and then imagine the work needed to re-design and build a new one in it's place. Pluto is very intense but it will also liberate you.
Real Mediumship
It's the season where the veils are thinnest between worlds - the Scorpio Sun, Dark Moon, Venus and Mercury(now retrograde) all converge to take our emotions and responses deeper. I have resisted writing much about mediumship until now, and I can't quite tell you why. Perhaps just not ready - or perhaps it's because it's still very personal and sacred work to me so I kept it for myself and the clients who come to me for it. However, I see so much misunderstanding of what mediumship is and isn't that I feel compelled to teach once again and share a couple of real life examples of how it works for me.
Spiritual Life Coaching
Spiritual Life Coaching is about actively getting you to a place where you feel empowered and excited to make changes in your life. We come for coaching when we are at a crossroads. We have so much on our minds and on our plates we can' t see the forest for the trees. Other times we know we are stuck and have lost the energy or way to get out of it. The coaching process helps you gently find your goals and clarity again. READ MORE
Personal Pilgrimage
Traditional pilgrimages include journeying to a sacred site where a holy person was born, achieved enlightenment, professed their teachings, performed a miracle or were witnessed doing so, and where they died. The journey is usually arduous on some level - physically or emotionally - and we go on them to get closer to God or Source. READ MORE
Turning Points and Closure
So what did you learn during this inner depths plumbing expedition ?
There were many parallel experiences I saw in most of my clients, friends and family so let's take a look at them and see if you can relate too READ MORE
Remembering the Sacred
In this world where we are bombarded daily for years with too much information and misinformation, news we can't do anything about, and the general weight of the world getting heavier as we are more aware than ever of what is going on for everyone, we need to come back to the simple and the sacred. READ MORE
Feeling Stuck ? Raise the Bar
Everyone feels stuck at some point, in some area of life. We all wonder, “is this it ? Do I accept where I am at ? Is this just life? Is it normal ?” You may be confused where the line is drawn between resignation and healthy acceptance. READ MORE
The Quest for Healthy Self Interest
We are bombarded every day on social media with a flood of memes and mixed messages. What IS a healthy self interest ? How much can we truly be putting our own needs first and not be a narcissist or at least self-absorbed? How much self-care does it take to be really loving yourself? What does that even look like ? In the age of social media where we are hyper aware of our self image and how we come across to others as products or entertainment - branding our lives to be noticed or fit in. Have we lost it completely? Is our self awareness/ self consciousness preventing us from having a good relationship to others and more importantly to ourselves in a deep and meaningful way? READ MORE
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
Mercury in Pisces isn’t it’s strong suit. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo - both known for their ease of communication and either expansive curiosity and playfulness of thought, or it’s organised and laser sharp analysis. Pisces is just the opposite. In Pisces Mercury becomes vague, emotional, moody, dreamy and even spiritual and transcendent. It’s not a great time for logic. READ MORE
Year of the Earth Pig
This year should be a nice energy for us! The pig enjoys things when everyone wants to be more pleasant and get along together. This can be a welcome change after the picky Monkey 2016, the dramatic, truth telling Rooster 2017, and the anxious Dog 2018. The Pig will want some kindness and peace. This will suit certain Chinese signs better than others. The Pig is very compatible for the Goat, Rabbit and Tiger. It's not so great for the Snake and Monkey.
We will take a look at my predictions for each animal sign this year ! READ MORE
Uranus in Taurus - Revolution of Values and Money - 2018 to 2026
We have the most unpredictable, unconventional and genius planet moving into the sign that hates change most - time to wake up and dance as the very foundations of what we call "security" are thrown over and re-drawn. READ MORE
January 21st, 2019 - Full Moon Eclipse in Leo
I always expect some recognisable or measurable shift during an eclipse. The things is that you never know from which direction that will come. It might literally be something dramatic, and many times it’s a subtle but palpable inner shift. Before we generalise too much about an eclipse we really need to know how they work in our own charts. READ MORE
5th Dimension Living
Most of us live in the 3rd Dimension reality and always have. This dimension has the focus on what can be seen, proven, physical reality, survivalism, fear, lust, using people things and the planet as if they are mere objects. We have love in the 3rd Dimension as well, but until we have let go of the baggage and old values system of the 3rd Dimension we aren't free. READ MORE
Earth Angels - Are You one ?
Have you ever heard the term Earth Angel ? Would you know how to spot one ? or maybe you are one yourself ! Earth Angels can be identified by certain qualities they show and the patterns of their life paths. Here are some of the ways you can tell if you are an Earth Angel : READ MORE
Return to Optimism -Jupiter in Sagittarius
November 8th 2018 to December 3rd 2019
Since Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year it can tell us what's to come in the next 12 months or so. What trends, overall attitudes, and what values we will expand upon this year?
We are just coming out of sexy, secretive, Jupiter in Scorpio, which as a Cancer I have enjoyed because it accents my creativity and playful passion area of my chart. Scorpio Jupiter brought depth and passions, self discoveries, many projects and deeper collaborations than I've had in years. The sector of your chart it touched was what it expanded in our life last year. In general though, Scorpio brought us a chunk of truth to see. Maybe you faced your shadow or that of another close to you. Maybe we all can see what's going on in the world around us -the underbelly of true motives vs surface explanations. READ MORE