December 2017 Energetic Forecast
Planetary Shifts This Month
December 1st - Venus in Sagittarius - Frankness, cleverness, wit, sarcasm or a dry dark sense of humour are being served with this placement. We want to have fun, be spontaneous, wing it and not have anyone get in our way. We may also be day dreaming over travel sites.
December 2nd - Jupiter Trine Neptune - This is a lovely aspect indeed. It can feel absolutely magical with water planets - emotion, creativity and spirituality, all in harmony of flow and expansion. Perhaps your faith is restored, or a brilliant idea enters your consciousness - perhaps a grand gesture or magical circumstance will occur
December 3rd - Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius 29' - This is never fun to have Mercury Retrograde in a holiday period, with shopping for gifts, getting around easily, and making travel plans. So we have to do it before hand, OR be extra careful to get copies, warranties, return policies, and itineraries checked and backed up on your computer or print. Otherwise the introspective part of this transit can be about looking at your sense of optimism, justice, free thinking, how much you actually know, how much you say vs how much you listen. With Mercury Retrograde here we may be holding back a bit on abrupt statements - which isn't bad - it can restore some tact in certain circumstances.
December 3rd - Full Moon in Gemini - See Below
December 9th - Mars in Scorpio - This is a very intense placement for Mars. It's very magnetic, secretive, smooth, sexy, intense, jealous, possessive, investigative and private. The inner will or fire is in a deep ocean. You may not see the depths of passion on the surface, but below there is a volcano and the tsunami can come at unexpected times. It takes a lot to rouse this level of passion, so most of the time we feel a controlled and reserved yet strong pull. It can be great for couples, not so great for work politics.
December 18th - New Moon in Sagittarius - See below
December 19th - Saturn enters Capricorn - This Is big! My FULL REPORT including how it affects your sign is here :
December 21st- Sun in Capricorn - Winter Solstice! - The darkest day is upon and now begins the increasing of the light. the Sun in Capricorn brings out the traditional, conservative, hard working, far thinking side of us. It's very normal not to feel easy breezy and energetic with these natural cycles. We should allow for some rest and reflection.
December 22nd - Mercury goes Direct in Capricorn - Just in time for Christmas! Hopefully this means all your gifts were received at the right time, they work, no malfunctions or returns, wrong names on letters etc. We have a last minute window to correct all that. As it does each year, Capricorn Sun and mercury bring us into a long term goal setting, future planning, preserving traditions we like, protecting and providing for those we love state of mind - and perhaps the worries that go with it.
December 25th - Venus in Capricorn - Venus in Capricorn is also thinking of her future security and family. Thrifty and stylish, understated elegance vs show. She likes people to be classy and discreet. She wants her lover to bring home the bacon, shower her with a tasteful and special gift, and she wants to be in control as well :)
Full Moon in Gemini December 3rd
Major Aspects of this Full Moon
The Sun and Moon are always in opposition on a full moon so that's a given we feel the pull of these two light bodies and the inner and outer sides of ourselves. That's why we look to the other aspects it makes to see what quality it gives this time.
This Full Moon falls on the 11th degree of Gemini
The Sabian Symbol for Gemini 11 degrees :
The Harold Warp Pioneer Village MindenPerha
This Symbol shows that there’s a need to break away from old familiar ground and move out into unknown territory. Fear is the greatest barrier to moving forward, but the familiar must be left behind for new possibilities. Taking opportunities to move on to new realms of being can lead to a whole new experience or indeed a whole new life. You have to be prepared to leave the old behind and to step out into new experiences with an open heart and an open mind. You could be starting from scratch with little to support you, but you could find depths of experience you never thought possible.
Pioneering attitudes bring their own rewards. Going off the beaten track. Coming up with new ideas. New spiritual realizations opening vistas of experience. Adjusting to new places.
The Caution: Clinging to the old and familiar. Restricting growth and change. Not taking new opportunities or moving on. Claiming what’s rightfully someone else’s. Running off.”
What strikes me with this Full Moon chart is the squares with Moon and Neptune, Venus and Neptune, and their oppositions. This isn't an easy energy to navigate usually. There is wonderfully magical sentiment but is it real ? These aspects on their own can create illusions, or overflowing emotion and idealism. On the other hand, you may just experience something truly magical ! This is more rare, when you are in truth with yourself, you see with your higher self and it all feels right, resonates as true. Then magic is possible of course! But if you are feeling any nagging doubts, stress, forcing things in some way then it is time to be alert for illusion. That can mean self- delusion too. The Sabian symbol however is very positive for breaking new ground and taking risks. You may risk something and get very lucky, or you will be the wiser for it. Either way, with Mars opposite Uranus as well, impulse can be high. Don't do anything too risky - we're talking about safety wise here. But DO take other kinds of risks you've been wanting to take. That can be as simple as saying something you normally don't... or as risky as deciding it's time to leave a job, home or relationship. It's a hard chart to predict because of it's potential for risk and heightened states of mind. Keep in min that Mercury is turning retrograde today as well - so we may not say things as well as we could - or we may hold in. Whatever happens, if you take it all as onward and upward, a lesson, ready to pioneer a new way for your life path, you will feel liberated by this.
Full Moon Chart
This chart is drawn for Montreal so it applies specifically by degrees for this region, but the planets are the same anywhere. It is the rising sign that changes depending where on the planet you are.
New Moon in Sagittarius - December 18th
New moons are always the time to plant a wish or idea or intention that can manifest by the full moon. It's a dark moon, or black moon and sits in the same sign as the sun. A new moon in Aquarius can bring out our inner rebel or renegade. We feel a desire to break free and be independent, follow our own ideas or create something new vs resurrect the old.
The New Moon falls at 26' Sagittaarius
The Sabian Symbol for 26' Sagittarius is :
“The Sabian Symbol is Sagittarius 26: A FLAG-BEARER IN A BATTLE
Flag bearerThis Symbol shows the ability, or the necessity, to stand up in “Battle” – to carry the “Flag” for your nation, political, social or moral beliefs, or for some issue that needs defending or supporting. The “Flag-Bearer” is often the one ‘out front’, in front of the situation or the army; the one who’s unarmed and yet determined to represent their side. You may feel that there have been achievements done by you or others that need to be acknowledged. Responsibilities pile up on you, and the struggle is not always easy. Don’t worry, though, although everyone around you is busy, they are noticing your leadership abilities. You are often the linchpin of the whole situation.
The courage of convictions. Standing up for ideals. A messenger or an advocate. Blogging. Open to attack. Brave and upright. David and Goliath. Ensigns. Flags. Wearing the colors.
The Caution: The sacrificial lamb. Overzealous idealism. Empty shows of courage. The fear of stepping out of line. Not knowing when to back off. An inability to keep quiet.
We can see by this chart the focus on Sagittarius planets is going to be huge. There are 6 planets in one house as well. We call this a stellium, so what does this mean for our New Moon ? This kind of hyper focus on one area of life will be sure to draw out something that enables a choice or action. If we are in North America in the Eastern time zone we are all going to be affected in a similar way. This stellium is in the third house of short travels, communications, siblings and all things city vs country - except that Sagittarius likes more the singular, bold wide open space. Pluto is right on the bottom, the line called the I.C. This almost ALWAYS shows a dramatic change or step ahead. Pluto is also our outermost planet so there could be a collective event that affects us all. Because we're dealing with Sagittarius planets in a Gemini house I expect there to be events related to travel and/or moving. You'll also perhaps be torn between wanting your own space and freedom vs lots of socialising opportunities.
Uranus in the 7th house is trining all these planets - which is a harmonious angle, but is an erratic and sudden influence. I feel a sense of surprises on the horizon with this much Uranian energy in yet another relationship house. There may well be some relationship fun and sudden encounters, sudden endings or beginnings, or suddenly taking things forward or backing off. It feels like a reversal kind of energy. Mars and Jupiter are both in Scorpio so this makes things deeper, more intimate, more soul searching and life changing as well. It can also bring potential for the shadows of others to emerge - not always a bad thing depending how we handle it. It can also sometimes bring jealousy and control issues to the fore. Throw in the Neptune Squaring Venus, Moon and Mercury and you have once again.. the makings of magic, or deception. Now more than ever with this New Moon we need to live in the moment and be ready to adapt vs count on things for now. It can be a transformational ride! And as the Sabian Symbol describes - it all may lead you to taking a stand for yourself or another. It's all positive if we roll with it.