Evidential Mediumship

A Medium is one who can communicate with spirits of ancestors, pets, angels, and other dimensional beings.

If you’d like a mediumship sitting you first need to email me a photo of the person you wish to contact and I will let you know if I can make a connection to them or not. Sometimes the person’s spirit is not yet ready to come through, especially if it’s too soon after their passing, or if their passing was particularly difficult.

If the connection is clear I then ask you if you want me to ask them any questions you may have, otherwise I will channel whatever they want to say. I write it down and then we arrange a sitting where I share what came through, and can help you process it, and answer any other questions that arise.

If you’re interested to know more about how mediumship works, I have a book called - Vibes from the Other Side, and I have a video series on You-tube to explain things.