Getting Grounded During a Crisis

This month we are now aware we're in a whole new world that is emerging. We have no idea what it'll look like yet, and it's causing a lot of anxiety. When I look back at my article of last month's message "cosmic broom" and the huge sense I had of sweeping change, I had no idea it would be a pandemic. Saying the energy is heavy and surreal right now is a gross understatement. There are no words right now. We are quite literally living one day at a time. 

I've had a few days where I felt waves of panic, terror, and a strong feeling of being spaced out and dissociated. It comes for a bit and I let it wash through me knowing it isn't mine - it's a collective energy. Some of us escape into our addictions, or denial, and some of us are getting our creative juices back, and even enjoying the introspection. It can be all of  the above too! At this moment I almost feel that introverts and healers have been prepping for this all our lives, so we handle the alone time and the collective fear differently.  I had to learn many years ago with my PTSD how to get grounded when strong emotion came up, and this is what I"ll teach you today. 

1. When a wave of emotion hits you - stop and stay still. Breathe and ask yourself, "Is this emotion mine?" If you can detach and see  that you're feeling a collective energy vs a personal one then you can significantly calm yourself.
Its' always partly personal but the extremes right now are NOT just you.

2. Burn Sage or Rosemary or use the essential oils or room spray made with these to clear any negative energy around you that could be around. Surround yourself with the smoke, diffuse the oil or spray the liquid sage smudge and say a prayer or visualise light all around you. Pray that the fear, pain etc be removed from you.

3. If the emotions won't calm down from the first awareness, get up and change scenery. If you can put your bare feet on the ground all the better. If you can't then go soak your feet in either hot or cold water. Bringing the blood-flow to the feet will help you come back into your body and give you some relief.  You can also alternate putting hot then cold water on your hands or feet. Right now with all the hand washing, you can do this when you wash and rinse. Temperature changes in the body make it hard to space out or be lost in the panic mind. 

4. Pet a dog or a cat if you have one. Take the focus off yourself and soothing another being also brings us into the present and gives some joy back. If you don't have pets you can turn to a hobby, play music, use your hands constructively and come back to your connection to that activity and object. 

5. Turn off all the news and phones for as along as you need. You aren't being an irresponsible citizen or negligent friend or partner if you need a few hours or a day break from being so informed.  I was getting symptoms only when watching the news! It all cleared once turned off and returning to calmer activities.

6. Once you are calm enough to start breathing exercises or try meditating this will help greatly. Sometimes we just aren't ready to do this as step one, but if you are able to sit still and count your breath, close your eyes and feel the breath on your upper lip. If you can feel this sensation you are grounded.

7. In good weather take your shoes off and walk barefoot on the ground. It releases the electric charge from the body. We all have too much of this from EMF these days and living in cities without green spaces. Your feet will absorb the negative ions from the earth and you will feel much better.

8. If you have access to a spot with water -go!  Water is calming visually, but also reduces the electrical charge as well. EMF causes inflammation and can escalate to symptoms far worse. This is a really simple way. If you don't have access to water then take a salty bath.

9. The next part is a bit more challenging for some but will give the most relief. You have to be willing to feel your feelings that have been suppressed. It might be under the fear of the virus is actually a fear of something else, and the virus panic is like the cherry on top.  We need to be willing to feel things we haven't allowed up in a long time.  When you do, your whole body and system will be relieved. You will also have insights from it. It can give you deep information about who you are and what you need.

10. Sometimes the feeling is there and we know we have to release but it just wont' come. If this happens your stomach is probably very tight ad your heart is fast. You are probably going around and around in your head thinking and worrying and calculating or bargaining with yourself. STOP.  Tell yourself you don't need to figure this all out right now. Lay down with a hot water bottle on your stomach and breathe.  As your stomach relaxes and your mind calms down you will likely need to cry or want to scream.  Let it happen. Do this in a place where you have privacy, and allow this to come out. You will sleep like a baby after.

11. Once your mind is calmer, you've let out some pent up emotions now its' important to rest well.  Chill. Sleep in when you can or nap. Read books that mean something. Revisit a movie you love. Do nothing. Rest rest and rest.

12. After this I imagine you will be ready or wanting to change things in your life that you see are no longer serving you. The decision process can also bring up this cycle again, but it also might make you feel so liberated too. 

I am here to help you with this

Readings, Reiki, Online Intuition Course
[email protected]
