Intermediate Intuition Coaching

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Intermediate Intuition Coaching

Have you had flashes, visions, messages, dreams, gut feelings, just KNOWING things for a while or maybe for life and are still not sure when it’s real? or what to do with all this intuitive information you receive? Has it caused problems in your life and relationships when you share it?

This program is for you…

We will talk about your experiences and identify patterns in your abilities that help strengthen your confidence in those experiences. We will talk about how your intuitive abilities have affected your life and how to manage it in your life - discerning when where, what and to whom you share it with, and creating personal boundaries with it.

Next we will work together to help you create a sense of personal rituals and check points for future intuitive messages. How do we pay close attention and implement it while still protecting ourselves emotionally?

We then begin to help you discern fear, fantasy and projection from true and accurate intuition. I will encourage you to write and keep track of things and to use meditation or some form of daily ritual to help you in this process. Your confidence in yourself will grow a great deal when you commit to this process.

10 hours $1200

Are you ready to begin ? Please email me at [email protected]