November 2017 Energetic Forecast
Planetary Shifts This Month
November 2nd - Chiron square Saturn - We may want to break free of anything we feel is limiting us on our journey to heal, With Saturn that can mean structure and authority figures including your father. You may need to release old structure and rules or traditions in order to heal your heart.
November 4th - Full Moon in Taurus - See Below
November 5th - Mercury in Sagittarius - This will be a very clever, witty, funny and outspoken Mercury. Sagittarius calls the truth out as he or she sees it, and sometimes that means they will put their foot in their mouth by saying ti to the wrong person or bad timing. It is what it is with this placement. So expect people might be more blunt, honest, and perhaps some awkward moments. Try to be grateful for the honesty of what is revealed and go fro there. Lots of laughs can be had along the way.
November 7th - Venus in Scorpio ! - This is a potent place for Venus. Desires run deep - emotionally and sexually, or even spiritually. Think of a quest, a deep longing, or an obsession. This placement could be possessive and jealous, passionate and seductive. She can bring us to new heights or get us into trouble that way!
November 11th - Saturn trine Uranus - This will allow you to experiment with new ideas and ways of doing things without rocking the boat. It's a good time to innovate within a current structure. So we don't up and quit or turn the old upside down in revolution (Uranus). Instead we push the boundaries safely from within an existing life structure (Saturn) This is a very nice aspect for us !
November 18th - New Moon in Scorpio - See below
November 22nd - Neptune Direct - This Is big! While it was retrograde we may have been given many insights and intuitions that were very clear. Now the fog or mist rolls back in and we go comfortably back into our ideal or fantasies. IT will be a nice transit if you don't get lost in escapism completely. IT can bring about a lot of creativity , oneness and compassion.
November 24th- Jupiter square Pluto - Go big or go home mentality is what this is all about. We are passionate, ambitious, and we want momentum and transformation... NOW. You will possibly have boundless enthusiasm and magnetism which can work very well as long as you don't get into the trap of forcing it anyone. Learn when to let it go and keep going with those who flow with you. This way you can move mountains
Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn - All Month - Pluto will retrograde from April 20th to September 28th. Pluto is the transformer of the solar system, so it will provoke inner transformation while in retrograde. What might that look like ? You may feel afraid to let go and allow things to change. You may have power and authority issues come up - either other's control over you, or your own sense of personal control and power. This can extend to the victim/ abuser dynamic if we aren't careful. You will want to look at areas where you don't sue your personal power at all, or wisely, and areas of your life where you give away your power, and the need to stand up to abuse or bullying etc. Noticing the theme here? It is a time for healing in order to move forward this next few months .
Full Moon in Taurus November 4th
Major Aspects of this Full Moon
The Sun and Moon are always in opposition on a full moon so that's a given we feel the pull of these two light bodies and the inner and outer sides of ourselves. That's why we look to the other aspects it makes to see what quality it gives this time.
This Full Moon falls on the 11th degree of Taurus
The Sabian Symbol for Taurus 11 degrees : A WOMAN SPRINKLING LONG ROWS OF FLOWERS
By Lynda Hill
This Symbol shows the need to take time to nurture your physical self. The mind needs to take a rest and the body needs to be allowed to come to bloom and bask, a little, in the light. Keeping an eye on things that you are responsible for will ensure that they don’t dry out and fade away ahead of, or before, their time. Weeding out undesirable factors will be a necessary part of the process as will tending to those who can’t or won’t look after themselves. Quiet moments of tender care can enliven others and allow them to grow.
Nurture and fertilize creativity. External evidence of internal beauty. Looking after small details to reap the rewards later. Not drinking enough water. Stopping to smell the roses.
The Caution: Giving superficial attention just to keep up appearances. Giving up on projects half way through. Neglect of things once they’re established. Water restrictions.”
What strikes me with this Full Moon chart is a sense that we need to be careful of acting on our impulses and reactions right away. Yes, that's normal advice for any situation, but I am saying to exercise more caution under this full moon because the potential to do something rash and regret it is a higher. The key words in the Sabian symbol are nurturing yourself, so this is the antidote or answer to anything stressful that may crop up during this full moon. When Taurus and Scorpio planets oppose we can feel the strong vibrations and stubbornness that both signs have. We can have a wonderful or magical time, or we can have a war zone. It will be our choice how to react - so think of ways to rest and self nurture.
Full Moon Chart
This chart is drawn for Montreal so it applies specifically by degrees for this region, but the planets are the same anywhere. It is the rising sign that changes depending where on the planet you are.
New Moon in Scorpio - November 18th
New moons are always the time to plant a wish or idea or intention that can manifest by the full moon. It's a dark moon, or black moon and sits in the same sign as the sun. A new moon in Aquarius can bring out our inner rebel or renegade. We feel a desire to break free and be independent, follow our own ideas or create something new vs resurrect the old.
Major Aspects to this New Moon
The New Moon falls at 26' Scorpio
The Sabian Symbol for 26' Scorpio is :
Commentary: ‘American Indians Making Camp in New Territory’ shows people seeking out and finding somewhere ‘New’ to set up their lives. They’ve found somewhere suitable to make ‘Camp’ and are probably busy going about their business to ensure they’ll be comfortable and their needs will be met as best they can. Perhaps it’s intended that they’ll stay long-term in this ‘New Territory’ but it could also be that they’re just there for the short term and will be moving on before long.
Oracle: Someone-perhaps many people-have found ‘New territory’ and there is a need to acclimatize, assess the environment and get their lives in order. There is also the need to adjust quickly on a psychological level to the environment they are settling into. Whether it’s the actual moving of home, or settling into a new job, you need to feel at home in both an inner and outer sense. This ‘New Territory’ doesn’t necessarily have to be about actual encampments; its “newness” can be represented in an emotional or spiritual framework. However, if someone doesn’t feel at home, there may be a creeping sense of unease as you or others find it hard to relax and feel safe and accepted in this new environment. If there is no real conflict over this ‘Territory’ and no stepping on other people’s toes, this can be a very enriching experience that can lead to all sorts of new experiences, relationships and possibilities. However, people sometimes merely inhabit a space and then depart leaving a mess all around them. How can you and others help in making an effort to ensure that everyone’s territory, living and personal space, and even emotional space is not overcrowded, compromised or damaged in some way?
Keywords: Settling in. Walk-ins. Having to learn the rules of being in a new environment. The need for freedom to live one’s life as one wants. Concerns with territory. Immigration. Migration across countries. Gathering things together for family and community needs. Tents. Shelter. Co-habitation. Revering and protecting the environment. Setting up camp. Going walkabout. Squatters. Respecting boundaries. Reservations.
The Caution: Moving into or invading other’s territory. Putting up with things when one should move on. Feeling invaded. Kicking people out because they don’t fit in or don’t belong. Segregation on grounds of color, race or religion. Compromising other’s living space. Arriving unannounced. Barging in. Attack and invasion.
by Lynda Hill
Commentary: ‘American Indians Making Camp in New Territory’ shows people seeking out and finding somewhere ‘New’ to set up their lives. They’ve found somewhere suitable to make ‘Camp’ and are probably busy going about their business to ensure they’ll be comfortable and their needs will be met as best they can. Perhaps it’s intended that they’ll stay long-term in this ‘New Territory’ but it could also be that they’re just there for the short term and will be moving on before long.
Oracle: Someone-perhaps many people-have found ‘New territory’ and there is a need to acclimatize, assess the environment and get their lives in order. There is also the need to adjust quickly on a psychological level to the environment they are settling into. Whether it’s the actual moving of home, or settling into a new job, you need to feel at home in both an inner and outer sense. This ‘New Territory’ doesn’t necessarily have to be about actual encampments; its “newness” can be represented in an emotional or spiritual framework. However, if someone doesn’t feel at home, there may be a creeping sense of unease as you or others find it hard to relax and feel safe and accepted in this new environment. If there is no real conflict over this ‘Territory’ and no stepping on other people’s toes, this can be a very enriching experience that can lead to all sorts of new experiences, relationships and possibilities. However, people sometimes merely inhabit a space and then depart leaving a mess all around them. How can you and others help in making an effort to ensure that everyone’s territory, living and personal space, and even emotional space is not overcrowded, compromised or damaged in some way?
Keywords: Settling in. Walk-ins. Having to learn the rules of being in a new environment. The need for freedom to live one’s life as one wants. Concerns with territory. Immigration. Migration across countries. Gathering things together for family and community needs. Tents. Shelter. Co-habitation. Revering and protecting the environment. Setting up camp. Going walkabout. Squatters. Respecting boundaries. Reservations.
The Caution: Moving into or invading other’s territory. Putting up with things when one should move on. Feeling invaded. Kicking people out because they don’t fit in or don’t belong. Segregation on grounds of color, race or religion. Compromising other’s living space. Arriving unannounced. Barging in. Attack and invasion.”
We are back to the familiar heavy energy of the past few years as Mars will square Pluto and oppose Uranus. Don't worry though it's temporary. four planets in Scorpio ensure we'll be dealing with something deep, hidden or under the surface, taboo, sexual or transformative, and the other planets will bring about a lot of action or reaction around these intense moods. The overall feeling of this chart though is positive vs explosive to my eye. The passoin of it may be subdued so no big blowups occur outwardly or for anyone to even notie is going on It's a more inner revolutionary feeling goign on.