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If you want to connect further around the lunar cycles with me, then you can join my Vibes Community Tier where you’ll get the links to join a discussion, guided meditation and readings every New Moon and Full Moon cycle. It’s a good chance to meet like minded people and also deepen your connection to the planet
in 2018 my life did a 180' Three years ago a group of women came to me from NYC for a bridal shower with readings, and one of them unbeknown to me was a writer, and a sceptic. Idid the readings, and they all consulted me again off and on for two years. One day the writer flew in from NY for a reading and told me she was writing a book inspired by me and if it comes out on Amazon would I come to her book launch in New York. I said OF COURSE! Her book is called, Future Perfect - A sceptics search for an honest medium. It was a huge compliment and from her publicity I got an offer from a publisher in NYC to write my book - A Little bit of Intuition which came out October 22nd, 2019
I am on an exciting new chapter of life where I will be writing more books, teaching online classes, and continuing to give readings, classes in Tarot, Intuitive Development, Astrology, as well as my usual Tarot of the Week readings, and Monthly Youtube videos for your sign. But there's much more I want to offer you on all these topics and more! So I will be gradually creating tiers based on your interests and share all the next steps of growth to come.
IN the big picture my goal is to create a network of empaths and intuitives all over the globe, train them with conferences and retreats - preferably in sacred areas where the energy is high. So as this community grows if you subscribe to me, I'll be working toward bringing you to Sedona, Mount Shasta, Hawaii, England...I'm open to other beautiful places as well.
I really hope you'll join me here