Real Mediumship


This is love: to fly toward a secret sky,
to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment.
First, to let go of live.
In the end, to take a step without feet;
to regard this world as invisible,
and to disregard what appears to be the self

It's the season where the veils are thinnest between worlds - the Scorpio Sun, Dark Moon, Venus and Mercury(now retrograde) all converge to take our emotions and responses deeper. I have resisted writing much about mediumship until now, and I can't quite tell you why. Perhaps just not ready - or perhaps it's because it's still very personal and sacred work to me so I kept it for myself and the clients who come to me for it. However, I see so much misunderstanding of what mediumship is and isn't that I feel compelled to teach once again and share a couple of real life examples of how it works for me.
Thanks to Hollywood movies like Ghost, people see or joke that spirit contact is some sort of entertainment that requires crystal balls and regalia and fancy robes or table cloths. We walk into a room and are met with a strange look, the medium seems "crazy" and then starts to speak and someone is instantly coming through with literal and 100% clear messages from exactly who the person has on their minds. Nothing could be further from how it actually works and it is often a hindrance to my work. I have to fight against the Hollywood stereotype with people who are extremely vulnerable when they come. If they have movie expectations combined with their grief it can be really disappointing for them because it's not instant - nothing truly authentic is. 


There is a school of mediumship called evidential mediumship that we often see in large group sessions used by some famous mediums. They spend most of their time with the audience members fact checking and attempting to verify if they're tuning into someone real.  This also has created impressions that names and initials can always be as accessible as the phone book - on demand if you will. People want proof, it's normal they would. Once again though, it is rare that full names come through accurately.  Once again people are disappointed and feel let down by the experience. 

For me, the spirit of a person shows up and is standing beside or around the person I'm  sitting with. I see them clear as day and describe their physical traits, things they liked, or things they are saying. I don't try to make someone fit with who the clients wants. It is a matter of describing who shows up in detail and then the person can tell me who this is or may be. When I have a name I ask them if this is them and get a yes or no, usually seeing them nod or say yes. Many times there are other ancestors, former friends or neighbours, and spirit guides that show up. IT's not always who we want right away, and that DOES NOT MEAN they are not present, or they are not ok, or don't want to speak to us. 
IT's important to remember that there is just as much variety of people and states of being in the astral as there are on earth. Movies have given us the hope that death is instant and we are welcomed withing minutes by the exact relatives we miss who have also passed, and that person then watches over us like a guardian and influences our lives for the better. This does happen in many cases,  but it's not the norm I see. Most people who cross over are in a sleepy state of mind for a while first. Some stay in that sleepy state for years! Others go to the light right away and show me visions of a party - for real.! They say it's wonderful, they are with many people who are happy. Spirits don't stay in the tribal groups we have here on earth on the other side. Souls who genuinely connected and loved each other can be together on the other side, but I see many families who do not stick to each-other int eh afterlife. Some go back to their childhood friends, or parents vs their spouse. Some take a long time to transition and make peace with their lives - especially when their death was shocking, sudden, violent or has an element of mystery.  Each soul has its' own reasons and timing - it's own way to die. Some want to go alone, some wait for events to happen then pass. Some want to be with certain people or animals. It's SO personal and has nothing to do with movies and stories of tribal unity. 


This image would represent something more realistic. Very often people have flashes while awake - seeing an apparition of a spirit - much like this dog. They just see someone standing there, or they feel a person walking by, or they even smell their dog in a staircase like this photo. Many children experience this. They are too young to have the social filters of shame we put on kids later on. I hear so many stories from clients of kids under 5 announcing that grandpa is standing there, or babies reacting to photos of grandma on the wall. They see the spirits plain as day. 
Some spirits DO stay around us and try to guide us, or they are waiting to cross over until certain others pass as well. Some have a lot to say to me for the client - showing me specific furniture, boxes with things in them, paperwork, jewellery or objects they want them to have etc. When these spirits are strongly presenting we can ask them anything - anything you want to ask! If there are mysteries in the family, if there is advice you wish they'd come thorough and give you - some truly do this. 
The hard part is that not ALL of them are in that state of consciousness to guide us. Some ascend and go to the light right away, and don't guide us. Others sleep and process, and don't appear in dreams etc. They are deep in their own souls' process. 
The main thing I want you to understand from this, is that it doesn't mean they didn't love you. It doesn't' mean they are mad at you for something if you don’t dream of them. In almost 99.9% of cases I see, the person who passed is never angry at you from the other side. They were in great discomfort, fear or frustration, but if you loved them - they KNOW and they forgive. 


Often times there are beings of light around you as well. There are spirit guides and angels that appear in mediumship readings as well as people who have passed. If you can come to a session and be open to whatever and whoever comes through it is a very healing and meaningful experience. There is a lot of kleenex shared when the spirit connection is strong and real. Nothing seems to comfort and give people great peace like connecting to spirit and having confirmation of love and forgiveness. Confirmation of an afterlife is one of the most powerfully reassuring experiences we can have.

It's a great privileged to be trusted by all of you to guide you spiritually

Blessed be
