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March 23rd to 30th
Special Edition - The Tower and the Nature of Transformation
March 16th to 23rd
The Tower and the Nature of Transformation
This week I am not comfortable to give our usual reading and give any false hope or any fear to anyone either. For that reason I will give you a little talk about the Tower card because this is the corresponding card to the crisis we're facing now.
The Tower is one of the 3 major transformation cards in the deck. Change can happen every so gradually, painstaking and with sacrifice, 180' reversals that turn things on their heads, or they can happen by force after many previous warnings. The Tower is the last one. There have already been warnings and signs in a situation long before the Tower card shows up. It usually comes when we keep ignoring things, denying things, and we maintain the status quo hoping it won't turn out too badly or that it will resolve itself. Well, guess what - in this case it doesn't. It has been growing and festering for a while. First it tries to get your attention with something uncomfortable or upsetting - mild but still time to act. We missed that window. Next it ups the ante and starts to poke you - more frustration, pain but you think you can manage etc. If we continue to ignore the signs then it screams at us and literally pulls the rug out from under us. It says, you weren't listening so now I force you to change this. Then we hit full on crisis. But because we ignored so many signs before and were in denial, the crisis feels worse - bigger than it was at first and now usually needing intervention.
This is when we need outside help. This is when we must lost our pride. This is when we feel ashamed we didn't' see things coming or ignored them when we knew deep down. There are definite losses but there are also gains once you see the situation in a new light.
Before the Tower card hits we were on a collision course. We have been ignoring our health, our comfort, our finances, our need for connection, our homes, jobs... whatever it is we were neglecting has become really unmanageable and uncomfortable. We may even feel we've been imprisoned in a system or situation.
When the lightening strikes the Tower it thrusts the people out of it ad topples it, but it also is liberating them to start again and rebuild something totally different. Whatever toppled may look like it was strong but it had a stronghold more-like over us and once we pick up some pieces we will likely be very glad this happened in hindsight, because the liberation of building something new and better in its' place and being free of the old prison like conditions is gone.
The crisis and the Tower are all of the above. There will be many losses that are real and scary, but there is also rebirth - on ALL levels. The Tower Card moment is the time to accept the things you didn't heed, forgive yourself for it, mend the pieces and start thinking of what the new will look like.
We choose hope.
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Emerging Expertise
Queen of Wands Ace of Cups King of Swords
Queen of Wands - The Queen of Wands demands respect and fulfils her self expression. She is dynamic and outgoing, good with people, and can handle a heavy workload, while being quite charming. On her dark side she can be quite bossy and even narcissistic. If this is someone in your midst it will do you well to please her, but do not bow down to her easily either. She respects those with confidence to hold their ground before her, but will not appreciate a mouth piece or sarcasm. If this represents you - it can be time to take your leadership in a matter and allow yourself to delegate and include others vs do it all yourself and become resentful.
Ace of Cups - Ace of Cups is a card of love. The essence of water, emotion, creativity and compassion.
King of Swords - He is raw intellect, cleverness -genius even- or unfocused, scattered. This is the person of high intellect who isn't ruled by emotional intelligence. He can run circles around you with "logic", arguments or facts, but he will miss the point of issues under the surface pertaining to people's character, timing or psyche - and so he creates many waves in an environment and can even be cruel.
Overall This Week
This has been a harrowing week of panic for everyone. The fear is very surreal and palpable. In Canada we're very fortunate to have the swift action of our government to contain the COVID-19 and all we can do now is keep ourselves safe. We also need to do things to take our minds off the fear and check in with others to help where we can. The cards this week show strong individuals who are able to lead surrounding the Ace of Cups - the love card. This may show some emerging experts that we can rely on for the best information and guidelines possible vs the absolute frenzy online right now.
Your mindset is a huge factor in your health and your ability to adapt and be of service if need be. Please reach out if scared or lonely and please do activities that bring you pleasure while you stay home.
The cards show us two very strong people. Both of these are strong leaders in their best aspect. The Queen of Wands is forceful and commands our attention as she leads. You can’t cross her or she will be full of fire and up her game. It takes strong leadership during any crisis - whether this is you for your own personal affairs, your boss or clients, or governments and health care professionals. The other message here is also her element of fire. Fire always shows passion and will, it represents heat, and purification. We need a strong will to get through these times as well - this speaks to the spirit. Don’t give in to pure panic, don’t give up on taking care of yourself or doing what is asked to make this situation better for all.
The Ace of Cups is pure love and compassion, tenderness, kind acts, the birth of new bonds of the heart. These times can also bring people closer together emotionally. .
The King of Swords in his best self is a trusted expert - a scientist, doctor, sociologist, engineer etc. This bodes well for the emergence of expertise this week. We either will be much clearer what sources to trust for our information this week, much clearer on the scope of what’s going on and what needs to be done. It might represent the smelling salts of reality of social distancing and hygiene. It’s not optional it’s necessary. He represents Air - ideas, communications, ideology or mental approach, We need to talk about everything going on for us, but we need to be mindful of where we get our information and the mindset we adopt to get through this.
I feel this week will solidify more of the facts, risks, realities of what we need to do and for how long. After that I feel more legislation coming to restrict social connection for this week and longer, and even though it is not going to be easy I feel we will feel a bit more informed in a solid way so it can relieve some of the chaos and panic that set in. I also sense that we need to strategise this week - a strength of these two cards. Plan for the longer haul not the moment when it comes to your supplies, income generation, and knowing who your helpers and supporters are, and who you’re helping and supporting. Take very good care this week my friends, and I am here if you need me to work online
March 9th to 16th Full Moon & Mercury Direct - Pick Your Battles
King of Swords He is raw intellect, cleverness -genius even- or unfocused, scattered. This is the person of high intellect who has no emotional intelligence. He can run circles around you with "logic", arguments or facts, but he will miss the point of issues under the surface pertaining to people's character, timing or psyche - and so he creates many waves in an environment and can even be cruel.
9 of Wands This card is often a position of strength that has been reached, yet still we need all our energy to maintain this high position. It would signify taking strong firm action this week where needed.
The Sun The Sun is the wise child who knows. It's the time when we understand many aspects of life, we are not naive, and we choose joy, we heal the inner child and restore our wonder.
Overall This Week There is a strange tension in the cards this week. The 9 of Wands is us standing our ground with someone - likely the King of Swords - on a delicate matter. It might be an issue of ethics, how people define things, subtle values differences that aren't obvious, or it could be more overt such as someone trying to strong arm you, walk on your turf, or push you way beyond your limits. The 9 of Wands DOES hold his ground though. He is very strong, but still is in a situation that he must be vigilant on something to keep his position or point.
The Sun card at the end is respite that the situation will slowly crawl toward the positive outcome, but it's not there yet. This is often hard in these situations but you will do well to have compassion for the party who is "offending" on some level. See them as a child who is hurting vs a mean or unconscionable adult. It means also choosing to see the best in the situation and in them. This doesn't mean being naive or in denial - it means seeing it as it is, maintaining what you need to do, but not succumbing to anger or lower sides of our humanity in the face of it.
Mercury goes direct on Tuesday, so there is hope of better communication to open up as the week flows along. The more concerning astrological aspect is the Full Moon in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces. This is a classic aspect of deception, and also self deception or sabotage. This week I would observe and choose your approach and words carefully before acting. Choose your battles.
The Moon, 6 of Swords, King of Wands
The Moon - This card represents the unconscious - a deeper collective consciousness we all carry. It can show us there are deep undercurrents in ourselves and our situations - things hidden from us. it can represent illusions, deception, addictions, altered states of consciousness ( some good , some not so good). We often can feel we are under a spell with the moon card.
6 of Swords - This is the card of taking what you have and moving on. The people in this boat are so current with what we're seeing in the news right now. A family with a few belongings - perhaps seeking a new life? perhaps fleeing a situation. It is a hopeful card though because there is enough to motivate you to move on and trust life will be better.
King of Wands - This king is the passionate, determined and fiery sort! He has the energy and will to do whatever he takes on. He can rally the troops as a leader. He can also be romantic. His flaw would be letting his control issues take over, or his vanity
Overall This Week
The cards show us a week of moving away from the Moon card and toward the King of Wands. Is there anything that is STILL not clear no matter how hard you’re trying to understand it or find out why ? The Moon always has secrets. The Moon is private and can be secretive, but also can be completely unconscious that it’s hiding too. So you can be dealing with outright hiding or lies, addictions or traumas - or you could be up against someone or something that has suppressed something like this so long it doesn’t even know it should share it, or even that it’s operating in the background int he first place. So if you’re up against a situation that has been murky too long, no clear answers given, no clue where you stand after a good attempt - then you’re dealing with the moon - something is hidden, and my advice is always to detach and give yourself a break - and time to see it clearly from removing yourself for a bit.
The 6 of Swords is the big clean up and move on card. You can see the person perched on one toe , perfectly balanced and almost dancing in the middle of perfectly aligned swords. Everything is clean, clear, has a place, a name, a sequence. All is healthy and transparent. See the huge difference with the moon ? This is what we need to do this week. This is the cosmic broom! Put things in an order, be more detached and logical, call things what they are. As where you stand.
The King of Wands is where we arrive after these actions and he represents the will. We regain our fire! We feel we have energy again when things have been on the table and are clear. We have a burst of enthusiasm, drive, and momentum to get our goals going again. So it will be a good week if we begin to tackle the 6 of Swords advice and get our house in order - or our heads :)
February 24th to March 2nd
Spring Fever!
Queen of Pentacles, Strength, The Magician
Queen of Pentacles - The Queen of Pentacles is a grounded, practical mature woman. She may have a strong business side, and certainly has her needs met on the material plane. Sometimes she can be a worry wart, or have trouble opening up emotionally she is very loyal and usually humble.
Strength - This card shows our relationship to beast or Nature. It shows a woman riding a lion. In this version of the card there is love and complicity between her and he lion. She completely trusts and is at one with her animal/creative side. She works with Nature vs domination by force
The Magician - The Magician has mastered all of the elements and knows how to make things happen. He can manifest. The clarity is there, and so is the confidence to make anything he wishes come to pass.
Overall This Week
There is an interesting visual effect of the cards this week that struck me right away. Take a look. All the cards are yellow. Yellow is a colour of the solar plexus - all about personal power, self esteem, digestion (food and emotions!) and has a happy or sunny feeling. The other interesting pattern I see is that each card has a progression in body posture. The Queen gazes down at a pentacle - her wealth . The Strength card is slightly bent over and focused on the animal kingdom - relationship to nature or beast. The Magician then comes along and is standing upright and faces us. The cards are showing a gradual shift of focus this week and a gradual standing up and facing the present. We see a gradual focus upon materialism and wealth - or stuff, moving into relationship with the passions, the wild side of life within us. We then stand up and manifest our lives. We have transitioned from comfort or perhaps fear in the earthly plane, and move into the vortex - the reality of energy. What a beautiful message for Spring Fever ! Manifest folks! Let's start to see our seed taking root in the darkness, and see the little bud is coming soon
If you want to see the extended Tarot of the Week describing how to interpret this for Love, Career, Finances and Health matters please subscribe to Patreon here :
February 17th to 24th
Patience + Mercury Retrograde
2 of Cups, Death Card, 2 of Pentacles
2 of Cups - The 2 of Cups is actually the lovers card! It represents romance, innocence of new love and connection. It shows a partnership, even when not romantic, will be very compatible and supportive.
Death - Do not fear the death card. it only means a swift transformation. It comes as an event that may feel like a shock at first, but it ALWAYS clears the way for something better to QUICKLY replace it.
2 of Pentacles - This card of change shows a juggler and an infinity symbol. Everything changes and always will, that we can count on. We may want to be aware on a practical , financial level to balance ourselves - but know that everything is in flux
Overall This Week
Don't hate me, but this week things will feel up in the air quite a bit. The cards show us two twos and Death sandwiched between them. Two's are always partnerships, dualities, off and on, up and down, dark and light. So what's the underlying shift this week then ? The Death card always brings a sudden change or transformation. It's not scary - its' just a bit shocking, then it becomes better than what you first thought.
Mercury is now retrograde as you read this. It's appearing to go backwards while in Pisces - probably THE most anti Mercury energy there is. It's all up in the air, in the ether, in your imagination, in your fantasy with this placement. Not much gets done on the practical plane, but LOTS gets done on the emotional and astral plane. We actually need to be aware of our thought trajectories and manifestations of that. If you think it, and start envisioning, or spacing out on a thought - you could be inadvertently manifesting it! So while our brains are the foggiest ever, we still need to be aware of what we're sending into the astral field.
The best use of this time is to accept changes with patience, and to be adaptable. Another best way to use this energy is visualising positive outcomes for ourselves and others. The last best thing to do is get creative. We can be quite prolific creatively with the logical side of our minds relaxed. We can transcend the usual nay saying mind and explore the possible - which is great. If you can do things to keep yourself grounded in this process that will help significantly in your manifesting potentials.
Mercury in Pisces is also very intuitive and psychic. You might have profound dreams, clairvoyant flashes, tap into people or situations more deeply. Try to keep track or journal these so you can refer back to them down the road and see if you were accurate. On the most basic level of all, these cards whoa switch up in a relationship. Some sort of surprise in the direction things are going with someone - which can mean anything from a partnership opening up and getting closer, to suddenly ending some pattern you were in, to wanting out. The Death card is sudden but honest. The card that follows is change itself. It's an earth element card of change... accept and go with the flow for now. The Piscean mind is too mesmerised to see and decide clearly for now.
7 of Cups, Star, Justice
7 of Cups This card represents stagnation of water and all that grows in there. This means emotional blockage - which can manifest as illness in physical, mental or spiritual form. It can also represent illusions and self-deception. It is often the card that tells us there is an addiction problem, a manipulative person about, sexual indiscretions or abuse of another persons' emotions or body. Not the nicest card in the deck
The Star The Star is the card of hopes, dreams, ideals, integration, and recognition. In the best case scenario it means we have something wonderful coming to us - renewal of hope and blessings coming our way. In the worst case scenario we go deeper into an illusion - fully believing it is real.
Justice - This is the card of fairness, decisions, and legal matters. Sometimes this card deals with human justice - our courts and laws, our documents and agreements. Other times it speaks of karmic justice - a time when things are re-balancing on that level.
Overall This Week
Life can be full of subtle illusions. There are those we create in our own minds and those we have lessons around so they roll into our lives and wake us up somehow. The reading this week is very interesting because both cards representing illusion are side by side.
The 7 of Cups is all about messy emotional states. In this deck, every cup is filled with another option. Some looks beautiful, some are monsters...and the person has no idea which are real and which to choose or avoid. It's very easy in this picture for us to be fooled, or to fool ourselves. This card often points to murky or hidden things - affairs, sexual issues, addictions, viruses - not pretty.
The Star is the card where we can also be in our idealism but sometimes she really does shine down on us! You can see the difference in the imagery. The stars are bright and clear, the water is clean and she is vulnerable - naked- while pouring her water with her golden hair. She is an idealised image of a woman and we sometimes see recognition, attention or even fame- however you define this- related to this card.
The Justice card is a decision based on reason, law and logic. Everything has been weighed and a decision is rendered that holds. So we have our work cut out for us this week because we're going to be filtering through the shiny image or masks of others vs their true selves. We will be weighing what opportunities are promising and exciting vs over inflated or false. This is the week to make your assessment and decide which is which.
With this combination of cards I am feeling that it's time to open your eyes to something or someone. The two illusion cards next to each-other are a warning to not be carried away by image, ideals, offers that aren't backed up, promises that aren't given, people who aren't what they say they are. The Justice card often represents the legal system as well, so you may want to get things in writing or need outside official help.
If you want to see the extended Tarot of the Week describing how to interpret this for Love, Career, Finances and Health matters please subscribe to Patreon here :