tarot of the week November 18th to 25th.jpg

 Ace of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, The Moon

Ace of Pentacles - The Ace of pentacles is the strength of the earth element. It often means a solid job, contract, or even friendship.  It is stable and realistic and lasting if we put the work into it.

9 of Pentacles - This is the card of material wealth and gain. For some it might mean you are growing on the ladder financially, with raises, promotions, good investments or charging more accordingly for your products or services. It s not saying excess - it's a balanced but abundant time. The woman in the card is enjoying the fruits of her labour. If this doesn't apply directly through money it can be other ways you feel rich and reap rewards of your hard work.

The Moon - This card represents the unconscious - a deeper collective consciousness we all carry. It can show us there are deep undercurrents in ourselves and our situations - things hidden from us. it can represent illusions, deception, addictions, altered states of consciousness (some good, some not so good). We often can feel we are under a spell with the moon card.

Overall this Week

Remember that offer from last week's reading ? Did you figure out  what it was yet? Hopefully it was something concrete you can't deny, but if it wasn't perhaps you can see that someone offered you a good piece of advice, put a great idea out there to bite on, gave a chunk of their heart to you, or hinted at a future project or raise.
This week shows a more concrete version of this offer! The Ace of Pentacles is a solid offer of something - always. Is it a job? opportunity to work with someone? a friendship or potential romance? an offer on a property? This week is a continuation of last on that front.

The 9 of Pentacles is our wealth card. It can bring monetary wealth or a different kind of wealth with it - generosity, an abundance of comfort, true companionship etc.  The trick is in the Moon card this week.  We are left to discern if the wonderful offers and feeling of richness around us or presented to us is real or hype?  The Moon casts a glow on the good things making them even more magical or aligned, but if not then it casts a shadow of doubt or suspicion. We have to trust our gut this week as to what feels authentic and reliable vs too good to be true.