Readings are a Sacred Portal
Is your life at a Crossroads ?
““Catharine is a gifted tarot reader, life coach and communicator with excellent insights and understanding of human dynamics. She is able to see the big picture and keeps it real”
How does a reading work ?
I like to do a general reading first before you tell me anything, and see whatever Spirit wants to say to you that day. After that you can ask me any question you like... and I mean ANY question!
I begin to self study Astrology in high school and was having strong psychic experiences in my teenage years. Unfortunately I grew up in a family where this was considered crazy, and I didn't say anything to anyone until I moved to Montreal, Canada, and teachers and mentors started to appear in my life. I lived one of those, "when the student is ready the teacher appears" experiences. I began the Tarot when I was 22 and started to read as a profession by 28.
I was exposed to many spiritual paths working in a Metaphysical store for about 13 years, and where my abilities increased exponentially. I realised I was a medium only because the people I kept seeing in readings had passed on. I have also had a lot of experience counselling and coaching people.
I ran support groups for women, have done healing retreats, and Vipassana meditation retreats, studied and practice sound healing, chakra clearing, guided meditation, Reiki, Bach Flower remedies, gem stone work, and can clear spirits from your aura and from your home if need be.
I have also done my due diligence studying and consulting experts in the fields of addiction, mental health, and forms of abuse and feel very comfortable to help you with this if it is part of your story or of someone you are asking about. I work with my guides and Arch Angel Michael at all times in the light
Tarot Clairvoyance Coaching is the most common type of reading I do. I spread the cards for a general reading and I get messages and visions for you. I will ask you if the message or description of what I see is right. This is your chance to talk about it with me. After that I will be guided intuitively to ask other questions to help you solve problems and make decisions, or understand people in your life in a deeper way. I read the people in your life and help you to make those relationships better, or if it’s time to leave or let go, I will help you with this too. This type of reading is a combination of all of these skills. If you need to have a follow up on an issue in your life, you can come for this style of reading whenever you feel the need.
Channeled Readings are quite specific in the way it works. When you contact me I will ask your name and birthday and then I go into a meditative trance and write everything I receive for you. This is done before we sit together. This allows me to tune into things you may not think to ask. It also allows me to see not only past, present or future things around you, but also any spirit guides, loved ones, and even past lives. The channeling is wide open to anything that comes through so it is usually more detailed and specific, but also it’s not always going to address the questions you have right now. When we sit together I will share all my messages with you and at the end you will have 15 minutes to ask me questions to clarify what came through or ask something else. However, the questions at the end of this reading cannot be mediumship related. If I sense a loved one in my channeling for you and it’s in my notes, you can ask me more. But to introduce another person requires another mediumship session, so we can book that separately.
This reading is good if you want to get a bigger or long-term picture of your life, or if you want spiritual aspects to your reading. If you have any questions about this please email me at [email protected]
Is your intuition awakening? Do you get flash visuals, hear words, feel physical and emotional sensations that suddenly come over you, or have dreams that seem predictive? Perhaps you are already very intuitive but you’re not sure what to Do with your gift? I can help you assess your precise intuitive skills, increase them and help you integrate them into your life. You can see my Intuition Coaching Program here:
A Medium is one who can communicate with spirits of ancestors, pets, angels, and other dimensional beings.
If you’d like a mediumship sitting you first need to email me a photo of the person you wish to contact and I will let you know if I can make a connection to them or not. Sometimes the person’s spirit is not yet ready to come through, especially if it’s too soon after their passing, or if their passing was particularly difficult.
If the connection is clear I then ask you if you want me to ask them any questions you may have, otherwise I will channel whatever they want to say. I write it down and then we arrange a sitting where I share what came through, and can help you process it, and answer any other questions that arise.
If you’re interested to now more about how mediumship works, I have a new book - Vibes from the Other Side, and I have a video series on You-tube to explain things.
Some people wish to connect more to their Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Animal Totems, Fairies, or Interdimensional beings that area also often guides. If you dream of or feel a presence around you as you sleep or meditate, we can tune in together and see what nature of being it is and help you identify if it’s a spirit guide to be engaged with and heard, or if it’s something around you or your home that might need to be released and cleared.
Sone signs that there is something around you or your home would be:
Seeing Light Orbs, Pets or Children seeing something or staring off at a point over and over where there is “nothing “ there, feeling cold or breezes in the home, cluttering one area and avoiding it, feeling something sitting on your bed or touching you, feeling warm and protected without a tangible reason.
I do two types of Past Life sessions - Past Life Readings, and Past Life Regressions. The Past Life Reading I channel what your past lives were and how they are affecting your currently. For the Past Life Regression you would be guided into a deep meditative state and then guided visually so you would discover and experience a past life yourself. I channel it with you as you are visualizing it and we see the details in tandem. It’s very powerful but you need to have the ability to meditate deeply and to visualize for it to work.