Winter Blues Special!


Two eclipses, bad weather.       Let's face it, this winter has       been tough…

As my gift to you this week I am offering specials to help you feel back on track this season!

Combining a reading with reiki will help you to receive some guidance and inspiration to make decisions, and reiki will help clear your energetic field and allow things to flow and play out more smoothly.

We can do this by Skype as well - yes.. it still works!

Pick your special                                                               

(you have until February 22nd to claim it)

1 Hour Reading + 1 Hour Reiki - normally $250 , now $200!

1 hour Reading + 30 min Reiki - normally $200, now $150!

45 minute Reading + 30 min Reiki - normally $150 now $100

Email me with: WINTER BLUES in the subject line then send your etransfer to  [email protected]  with password  - River